Production and maintenance planning

A model-based decision support framework for the optimisation of production planning in the biopharmaceutical industry

M. Vieira, T. Pinto-Varela, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa

Computers and Industrial Engineering (Published)
Mar, 2019

The enterprise management of current industrial processes has becoming increasingly complex, imposing novel challenges to the implementation of efficient decision support tools. Manual-based planning/scheduling systems have been replaced by integrated computational tools for core…

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Production and maintenance planning optimisation in biopharmaceutical processes under performance decay using a continuous-time formulation: A multi-objective approach

M. Vieira, T. Pinto-Varela, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa

Computers and Chemical Engineering (Published)
Mar, 2017

This paper presents a mixed integer linear programing (MILP) model, based on a continuous-time Resource Task Network (RTN) formulation, for the optimal planning/scheduling of biopharmaceutical processes. The model proposes the integration of the production planning with the required…

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