OR in health services

Modelling and (Re-)Planning Periodic Home Social Care Services with Loyalty and Non-Loyalty Features

M.I. Gomes, T.R.P. Ramos

European Journal of Operational Research (Published)
Aug, 2019

The aging population alongside little availability of informal care are two of the several factors leading to an increased need for assisted living support. In this work, we tackle a home social care service problem, motivated by two real case studies where a new loyalty scheme must be considered: within…

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From problem structuring to optimization: A multi-methodological framework to assist the planning of medical training

T. Cardoso-Grilo, M. Monteiro, M.D. Oliveira, M. Amorim-Lopes, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa

European Journal of Operational Research (Published)
Mar, 2019

Medical training is an intricate and long process, which is compulsory to medical practice and often lasts up to twelve years for some specialties. Health stakeholders recognise that an adequate planning is crucial for health systems to deliver necessary care services. However, proper planning needs to…

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A Column Generation-Based Diving Heuristic for Staff Scheduling at an Emergency Medical Service

H. Vermuyten, J.N. Rosa, I. Marques, J. Beliën, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (Published)
Jan, 2019

Staff scheduling involves assigning people to tasks organized in working shifts. It is a complex and time-consuming activity common to several real-world companies while still typically a hand-made task. These problems are usually conditioned by legal and working rules, and by personal…

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Modeling Inter-sector Health Policy Options and Health Gains in a Long-term Care Network: A Location-Allocation Stochastic Planning Approach

T. Cardoso, M.D. Oliviera, A.P. Barbosa-Povóa, S. Nickel

Operations Research and Big Data IO2015-XVII Congress of Portuguese Association of Operational Research (APDIO) (PUBLISHED)
Oct, 2015

Although not a common practice, proper planning of health care networks should consider the attainment of health gains and the impact of inter-sector health policy options. This study proposes a multi-objective stochastic model to support location-allocation decisions in the long-term care sector…

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An integrated approach for planning a long-term care network with uncertainty, strategic policy and equity considerations

T. Cardoso, M.D. Oliviera, A.P. Barbosa-Povóa, S. Nickel

map[european journal of operational research (published):<nil>]
Jun, 2015

Considering key uncertainties and health policy options in the reorganization of a long-term care (LTC) network is crucial. This study proposes a stochastic mixed integer linear programming model for planning the delivery of LTC services within a network of care where such aspects are modeled in…

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Location–allocation approaches for hospital network planning under uncertainty

A.M. Mestre, M.D. Oliveira A.P. Barbosa-Povóa

European Journal of Operational Research (Published)
Feb, 2015

This study proposes two location–allocation models for handling uncertainty in the strategic planning of hospital networks. The models aim to inform how the hospital networking system may be (re)organized when the decision maker seeks to improve geographical access while minimizing…

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