Diving heuristic

A Column Generation-Based Diving Heuristic for Staff Scheduling at an Emergency Medical Service

H. Vermuyten, J.N. Rosa, I. Marques, J. Beliën, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (Published)
Jan, 2019

Staff scheduling involves assigning people to tasks organized in working shifts. It is a complex and time-consuming activity common to several real-world companies while still typically a hand-made task. These problems are usually conditioned by legal and working rules, and by personal…

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Integrated staff scheduling at a medical emergency service: An optimisation approach

H. Vermuyten, J.N. Rosa, I. Marques, J. Beliën, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa

Expert Systems with Applications (Published)
Dec, 2018

Personnel scheduling is a difficult problem with many specific requirements that differ between industries or companies. This paper proposes an Integer Programming (IP) formulation for the staff scheduling problem encountered in practice at an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system. Two…

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