Waste collection

Dynamic Approaches to Solve the Smart Waste Collection Routing Problem

C.S. Morais, T.R.P. Ramos, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (Published)
Jan, 2019

A Dynamic Inventory Routing Problem model embedded into a rolling horizon solution approach is developed, along this paper, to solve the Smart Waste Collection Routing Problem. This allows the definition of dynamic waste collection routes that explore the use of real-time information on the bins…

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Waste Collection Planning Based on Real-Time Information

T.R.P. Ramos, C.S. Morais, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics (Published)
Feb, 2018

This paper studies the definition of dynamic routes regarding the waste collection problem. Based on access to real-time information, provided by sensors located at waste bin containers, a Vehicle Routing Problem with Profits (VRPP) solution approach is developed. This aims for the maximization of…

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