social sustainability

Incorporating social aspects in sustainable supply chains: Trends and future directions

M.E. Bubicz, A.P.F.D. Barbosa-Póvoa, A. Carvalho

Journal of Cleaner Production (Published)
Nov, 2019

The social dimension of sustainability in supply chains has grown in importance in both academic and industrial communities. This article aims to understand how social dimension has been incorporated in supply chain management research in the past years and what research gaps still exist. For…

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Quantitative indicators for social sustainability assessment of supply chains

T. Popovic, A. Barbosa-Póvoa, A. Kraslawski, A. Carvalho

Journal of Cleaner Production (Published)
Apr, 2018

Despite the increased interest in social sustainability there is still lack of information for the social assessment, as well as a lack of appropriate quantitative social sustainability indicators to perform such assessment. In this paper, there is proposed a set of 31 quantitative social sustainability…

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Quantitative indicators for social sustainability assessment of society and product responsibility aspects in supply chains

T. Popovic, A. Kraslawski, A. Barbosa-Póvoa, A. Carvalho

Journal of International Studies (Published)
Nov, 2017

Increased pressures from stakeholders have been forcing companies to integrate social sustainability into their businesses. However, lack of information leads to gaps in social sustainability, some of them being also related to difficulties in social sustainability assessment of supply chains often caused by…

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Framework for assessing social sustainability in supply chains

T. Popovic, A. Carvalho, A. Kraslawski, A. Barbosa-Póvoa

Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Published)
Jun, 2016

Increased interest for sustainability reporting has been provoking both, companies and academics to deepen their research in sustainability and therefore on sustainability indicators. When assessing social sustainability a lack of knowledge is present and due to the increased stakeholders’ pressures…

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