production planning

Simulation-Optimization Approach for the Decision-Support on the Planning and Scheduling of Automated Assembly Lines

M. Vieira, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa, S. Moniz, T. Pinto-Varela

13th APCA International Conference on Control and Soft Computing, CONTROLO 2018 - Proceedings (Published)
Nov, 2018

This work explores a decision-support solution for the management of advanced flexible manufacturing systems operated by mobile robotic resources with a simulation-optimization methodology for the production planning and scheduling of automated assembly lines. The…

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An integrated approach for production lot sizing and raw material purchasing

A.L. Cunha, M.O. Santos, R. Morabito, A.P. Barbosa-Povóa

European Journal of Operational Research (Published)
Sep, 2018

This paper addresses the integration of two relevant problems within industry: raw material purchasing and production planning. The raw material purchasing problem considers the presence of several suppliers, each one with its own cost of materials and discount rates. The production planning…

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