Product design

Mixed-integer linear programming approach for product design for life-cycle profit

L.J. Zeballos, C.A. Méndez, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa

Computer and Industrial Engineering (Published)
Nov, 2019

The paper deals with the product design problem where the characteristics of new and remanufactured products must be determined. The objective of the problem is to maximize the total profit taking into account the design specifications and the selling prices for the new and…

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Integrating decisions of product and closed-loop supply chain design under uncertain return flows

L.J. Zeballos, C.A. Méndez, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa

Computer and Chemical Engineering (Published)
Apr, 2018

The shortage of natural resources, the need to take into account societal considerations, the emergence of new government regulations and the necessity to maintain and/or improve the economic benefit of the supply chain, have created a growing awareness on academia as well as…

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