
Process supply chains: Perspectives from academia and industry

A.P. Barbosa-Povóa, J.M. Pinto

Computers and Chemical Engineering (Published)
Jan, 2020

Process systems engineering (PSE) has been an active research area for nearly seventy years and addresses multiple systems from the process industry. Among these are Process Supply Chains that can be described as interconnected sets of entities responsible for the sourcing, production and…

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Challenges and Perspectives of Process Systems Engineering in Supply Chain Management

A.P. Barbosa-Povóa, J.M. Pinto

Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Published)
Aug, 2018

Supply chain management is concerned with the efficient integration of interconnected entities so that products are sourced, manufactured and distributed in the right quantities, to the right locations and at the right time, thus satisfying customer requirements at minimal total system cost. Such systems…

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