Multi-objective optimization

A multi-objective matheuristic for designing and planning sustainable supply chains

C.P.S. Tautenhain, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa, M.C.V. Nascimento

Computers and Industrial Engineering (Published)
Sep, 2019

Supply chains express the sequence of steps related to the production process, from procurement of raw materials to deliver final products to the customer market. The complexity of the impacts caused by supply chains has given rise to the problem of planning sustainable supply chains (SSCs). SSCs…

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Multi-objective optimization approach to design and planning hydrogen supply chain under uncertainty: A Portugal study case

D. Camara, T. Pinto-Varela, A.P. Barbosa-Povóa

Computer Aided Chemical Engineering (Published)
Jul, 2019

The progress of the current energy infrastructure to a new pattern, where hydrogen plays an important role has been increasing the interest of industrial communities, as well as, academics. This is mainly associated with sustainability goals where reducing environmental impacts is a target while…

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