Inventory management

A Holistic MILP Model for Scheduling and Inventory Management of a Multiproduct Oil Distribution System

H. Mostafaei, P.M. Castro, S. Relvas, I. Harjunkoski

Omega (Published)
Aug, 2019

This paper addresses the optimal scheduling of an oil transportation system characterized by a straight multiproduct pipeline featuring multiple input and output nodes, where products are dispatched to local markets often by tanker trucks. We present a new continuous-time mixed integer…

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On the Optimization of Aircraft Maintenance Management

D. Dinis, A.P. Barbosa-PĆ³voa

Operations Research and Big Data IO2015-XVII Congress of Portuguese Association of Operational Research (APDIO) (Published)
Oct, 2015

Task scheduling and resource allocation problems have been the subject of intense research over the past decades, particularly within Operations Research. However, seldom optimization models have been proposed to address the aircraft maintenance management process in an integrated manner…

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