Heterogeneous retailers

Information sharing in supply chains with heterogeneous retailers

R. Dominguez, S. Cannella, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa, J.M. Framinan

Omega (Published)
Sep, 2018

This work analyses partial information sharing involving retailers with different operational configurations. Retailers are characterized by four operational factors, i.e., demand variance, lead time average, forecasting period and inventory policy. The findings show that the performance…

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OVAP: A strategy to implement partial information sharing among supply chain retailers

R. Dominguez, S. Cannella, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa, J.M. Framinan

Transportation Research Part E, Logistics and Transportation Review (Published)
Feb, 2018

This paper analyses the impact on supply chain performance of adopting different strategies to implement partial information sharing among heterogeneous retailers. Supply chains are modelled using a multi-agent systems approach. We find that the strategy adopted to construct the partial…

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