Moving towards an equitable long-term care network: A multi-objective and multi-period planning approach

T. Cardoso, M.D. Oliveira, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa, S. Nickel

This study proposes a multi-objective and multi-period mathematical programming model to support planning decisions in the Long-Term Care (LTC) sector. The model provides information to help planning the delivery of institutional LTC services in the medium-term, both in terms of location selection and capacity planning, when it is intended a move towards an equitable provision of care. For this purpose, three equity-related objectives are accounted for—equity of access, geographical equity and socioeconomic equity. Cost considerations are also taken into account. The model objective function incorporates multiple objectives which are scaled into a common unit through weights that are built with the Measuring Attractiveness by a Category-Based Evaluation Technique. The applicability of the model is illustrated through the resolution of a case study in the Great Lisbon region in Portugal.

Omega (United Kingdom) (Published)
Jan, 2016
Health care services | LTC planning | Mathematical programming | Equity | Multi-objective | MACBETH


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