
Category: Sustainable Supply Chains| website:

m-SSChain - Managing Sustainable Supply Chains

Sustainable Supply Chains (SSC) can be described as complex network systems involving diverse entities that manage the products from suppliers to customers and associated returns accounting for social, environmental and economic impacts. The treatment of such systems has recently gained a pronounced importance as companies face the challenge of dealing with sustainable issues caused by growing society awareness towards environmental and societal problems.

The United Nations have identified a positive intense shift in corporate attitudes towards sustainability, been these actually at a historic high. But while companies are making progress in terms of setting expectations for supply chain sustainability, most fail to implement tangible measures to drive adherence. This is justified by the sheer size and complexity of global supply chains meaning that many companies, that begin their journey towards sustainability, need tools to support their decision-making process. The question on how to design, plan and operate SSC under an uncertain environment through the support of adequate decision supporting tools is still a research question.

This project aims to contribute to reducing this need developing comprehensive and innovative models for the design, planning and operation of SSC under uncertainty. These will support SSC management decisions, rendering circular economy goals (i.e. reducing waste and materials consumption and using efficient green technologies), simultaneously guaranteeing society wellbeing and organizations economic returns.

Portuguese National Science Foundation (FCT), Lisboa 2020, Portugal 2020
Starting date
June 01, 2018
Project code
PTDC/EGE-OGE/28071/2017 and LISBOA‐01‐0145‐FEDER‐028071



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